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Custom Glasses by Magnoli Clothiers

Custom Glasses

$563.02 AUD
Date Added: Wednesday 14 February, 2024
by Darren S.
I also got the Commissioner Gordon glasses from the Dark Knight trilogy. I had been searching for a pair for over a decade to no avail, so I decided to go custom through Magnoli.

Positives first: I was really impressed with the overall quality and finishing. The fit was also spot on for me, which is a rarity, and the build is bang on compared to the real thing.

Negatives: There are two things that immediately stood out that I need mention. The first is the color. While I wasn’t expecting perfection, the color is a drastic departure from the real article. The frame front on mine is a cloudy pinkish brown compared to the crystal cool beige of the real thing. You also have the temples, which also have that pink hue, when the real thing is much more olive grey. It looks much more effeminate than it should.
Lastly, one of the hinges does wiggle pretty consistently in the point where it’s inserted in the frame front.

Overall, I would definitely recommend custom glasses from Magnoli. I would maintain cooperation when it comes to color options and sizing, just to be safe, but you can definitely trust getting a well built and sturdy pair of glasses that feel worth the money.

Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]